Unresolved questions

Many questions remain to be addressed; some have thoughts about their answers.
  1. Should the cap be on net wealth or on total assets?
  2. What should be done with the debts of those capped, particularly if the cap is on total assets and particularly if the debts exceed the value of the cap (a billionaire can handle a debt of hundreds of millions)? Should (some of) the debt be cancelled with seized assets? The debt itself could have been seized by the state as assets of another capped person.
  3. How should a government implement a wealth cap, to reduce economic turbulence and ensure its effectiveness? What difficulties would be expected? How would they be overcome?
  4. Could/should anything be done about non-resident/domiciled non-citizens with large interests in the country?
  5. What would be the economic downsides of a wealth cap and what could be done to mitigate them, both after enactment and as part of the wealth cap itself?
  6. What economic upsides would there be from a wealth cap?
  7. Other than Sovereign Wealth Funds, what could be done with the seized wealth?
  8. What proportion of a house price index and a general inflation index should be used to determine how the wealth cap level would vary over time? The cap should always be high enough to not deprive many of financial independence. Financial independence is the difference between a haircut and a scalping.